Timothy Lawton

Not To Care

by on Apr.27, 2009, under 2005, Poetry


I wonder what it would be like to be a person who didn’t care
One who didn’t feel or love
It would certainly be easier
But could it be better?
Not to have butterflies in your stomach for an unrequited love
Not to pause at the pointless loss of another life to a senseless crime
Not to well up with tears when a graduate gives an impassioned speech about his struggle to get to where he now stands
To know no joy in another’s triumph
Or to know no sympathy for another’s tears
What would it be like?
What would I live for?
Sure I would never suffer the sorrow and pain that comes with lost love
I would never pound my fist in rage at how the whole world is going to hell
I would never cry because someone exemplified what it means to persevere
I know it would certainly be easier
But, would it be better?

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