Timothy Lawton

God’s Throne

by on Apr.15, 2009, under 1997, Poetry


If in the universe we’re not alone
God is still sure not to lose his throne
And if the pathfinder should happen to find some roads
The scientists can no better explain it when it’s raining toads
Or fish, nuts, and blood
But, now I’m off on a tangent
The hand asked where the phalange went
And who sent in the Marines
All those jellyfish and whales washing up on the beach
Where the universe show is shown on a dark clear night
Beach blankets, butts, and beer followed by a macho fight
When they don’ care what was wrong or what went right
Only once have I had a U.F.O. in my sight
But, I don’t think I’ll ever forget that scene
Someone else saw who I didn’t know and had never seen
Such a sight out of site a pink trail of light
But, maybe we are in the universe alone
And god is sure not to lose his throne
Because all paths through the mind find the same road
Doing me no good in explaining how or why it’s raining toads
Or, bombs, guts and blood
But, now I’m off on a tangent
The hand asked where the phalange went
And who sent in the Marines
All that blood and guts washing up on the beach
Where the society show is shown on explosive nights
To keep anything saving one has to fight
Distraction on my left and desire on my right
We have only one life to be a light
And I can’t let myself forget what that means
The things that I’ve been shown the things that I’ve seen
Such a life, spirit sight God’s fire in the night
And if only one calls the universe his own
Love is the cause and substance of his throne

3 comments for this entry:
  1. Aukje

    I have to disagree Jim. McDonald’s uses the word reuglar so they don’t have to use the word “small”. It’s a marketing mind game. Medium has always been medium there. However, the employees at McD’s often get it wrong, as do the customers.The official party line at McDonald’s is that reuglar fries = small fries.

  2. Eda

    Owen,I’ll concede the point that relguar = small at McDonald’s, but I believe my original point stands – that McDonald’s introduced “relguar” as a size.”Regular” is not a size.

  3. Victor

    I seraehcd a bunch of sites and this was the best.

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