Timothy Lawton

The American Holocaust

by on Apr.15, 2009, under 2007


The American holocaust now thirty-four years and counting
The slaughtered, the butchered, the casualties are mounting
Our death camps in hospitals and non-descript office buildings
Those factory assembly lines so deadly and chilling
The humanitarian Nazis excuse their atroceties
Supposing their superiority imposing their sins upon society
Forty-five million dead and we’re still counting
Slaughtered, butchered, the casualties mounting
Now made God with life or death decisions
The surgeon a murderer in calculated precision
Kill, kill it is our right
Slay, slay, it’s out of sight
If it is not born it has no life
These wasted treasures beyond all price
The American holocaust burning in the back of our mind
Methodical doctors doing the business of Mengele kind
How the Grim Reaper’s sickle mows in routine operation
Harvesting the dispossessed of a self-centered generation
Choosing who’s part of humanity
Killing in convenient vanity
Claiming the right to say what’s alive
Believing if you’ve never been born you can never die
Forty-five million children denied a name or a tomb
Ripped from the false sanctuary that is the womb
Champions of freedom and the master race
Maintaining irresponsibility by filling mass graves

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