Timothy Lawton


by on Apr.06, 2009, under Gardening

This portion of my website will be focused on gardening, landscaping, and tree planting. My hope is to have a forum on what works and what does not when it comes to the world of plants. I work with flowers and vegetables in my gardens, indoor plants, and I work with trees. My personal experience with plants is mostly limited to what works in Northern New Jersey, but that should not preclude others from contributing from other regions, in fact I encourage it.

This is my first post on this part of the website. So I will fill you in on what I have done up until this point of the season. I ordered seeds and tubers from catalogs in January. In February I started the first of my seedling trays for flowers. Ageratum is usually my initial plant I sow. Since then I have started numerous other flower and vegetable plants in my greenhouses. Thus far I have planted about 1400 seeds. The seeds I have planted include numerous types of peppers, tomatoes, and basil. I have also begun many different types of flowers and decorative plants. On the second and third I planted my first dahlia tubers in pots and trays in my greenhouse.  Outside I have started to turn the soil in select areas and have planted 120 pansies in the last few days. On the 17th of March I planted my peas and they have just started to break the soil yesterday on April 4th. My crocus, hyacinths, and daffodils are all blooming as I write this.

NOTE: To those without greenhouses window light can be notoriously fickle when trying to start seedlings. Either add an additional grow light or wait to plant closer to the last frost. Also, it is a very good idea to move plants outside on warm days, but they first MUST be weaned into the light and wind. Introduce them first to the shade on days with light wind. Remember too, if the plants are introduced to the outdoors and spend more than 4 or 5 days back inside they may need to be reintroduced to the outside.

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