Timothy Lawton

Argument By Design

by on Feb.15, 2010, under 1998, Commentary, Poetry, Uncategorized

Surely if one does not believe in God they must not believe in Beethoven

Surely if one does not believe in a Creator they must not believe in Michaelangelo either

For as sure as the 9th symphony and as certain as the Sistine Chapel the Universe does exist

Surpassing in beauty, dwarfing in grandeur, exceeding in wonder by incomparable measure

and unfathomable degrees these mere atoms of art

With one stroke of his brush with one note from his orchestra

God has made a thousand sunsets and ten million songs

Yet, the universe has unfolded by chance?

Does the orchestra play without a conductor?

Did Michaelangelo not work with a rainbow at his side?

If not God then what devined the design?

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