Setting Moon, Setting Sun
by Timothy Lawton on Jun.17, 2009, under 1989
Part 1 Setting Moon
Death, oh his death a shadow seed
Patricide, my eclectic deed
Good king comes to you death’s plan
Father, reach out you’re hand I’ll take you to another land
Of this I’ll make it better
Moment has risen, time has come
Glory shape as stars, hidden dark of son
They’re colliding
Summoning of hate toward ultimate benign
Father, grab my hand do it it’s the time
I’ve gone beyond my mind he has but little time
Blade sheared within him he’s spilling just like wine
His created chasm destiny be not mine
Coronation, new king’s decrees
Must bear us many fine warriors, giant awaken, come from your sleep
Arise, we shall reach new heights
Lost thought of the good king’s smite
We will march on and bring our brothers home
Together we will forge a new blade that will cut as far as we can roam
Forgotten, good king emptied of life
Forgotten, horrors that come with strife
When the giant awakes, with each step he takes
Ground will tremble and shake, oblivious to who he will awake