Timothy Lawton

Death Without Demise

by on Jun.17, 2009, under 1988

Part 1 Trapped

Late 1988

Ambivalent life and death my suspended state
Are these darkened dreams carrying me beyond my fate?
Your eyes, your eyes!!!
Life they cannot see?
I’m alive, alive!!!
Purity spread not over me
Alone a frigid chill consuming my body
Wondering and waiting in grave uncertainty
Upon his return external vessels attatched
Diminishing supply of life I’ll soon lack
What horror, what horror
My body’s being drained
Red tide, red tide ebbing from my frame
Behold a life after blood and given beyond
Endowed with reality that still goes on
My worst fears are now stark reality
I’m imprisoned within dual entities
A stiff bloodless corpse how can I exist?
I can’t diminish my senses oh the terror the horror persist
For what deeds in life do I deserve a sentence without death?
No, not that, not that!!! Anything, but that
Mercy, Mercy!!! Not another trap
Marching one by one in their black procession
To meet with my destiny in my last expression
To my horror, my horror
They’re filling in my grave
Don’t leave me, please don’t leave me
To forever rest in pain

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