Timothy Lawton

Sail On Sail On

by on Jun.17, 2009, under 1990


Sail on sail on
From the land of those who take from his sea readily and will die
To the land of those who are dead, dead to the world
Sail against the current of the sea, the sea of iniquity
A current driving us back from whence we came
Gone is the albatross as the waves start to churn
Fueled by a driving wind the breath of evil growing stronger
Sail on, sail on into the storm
Sail into the test the tribulation
Ride against the storm and weather its ardent fury
The waves gather in a most tumultuous conspiracy with the wind and rain
As they wait to heed the command of darkness
We prepare the ship for the imminent onslaught
Strengthening it where it is weak insuring the prowess of its strengths
Nervously awaiting the dissonant horns that announce the release of the Dark Poseiden’s arsenal
With a shrill chord his orchestration violently attacks
From clouds darker than a moonless night a strobe light raining fire from the sky
In a raging wind with shearing rain each wave vehemently smacks at the deck
Tossing us like a toy ship in a tempest
The wind whipped rain seems as if it were shards of glass
Caught amongst churning waves that stand tall like colossal walls of water
Trying to drive us back from whence we came
Or send us in splinters to the bottom of the sea
Tempting us to surrender into his impudent rebellion
But for now we have survived by faith alone
And we sail in a calmer, but conjuring sea
Sailing on faithfully
Conquering each wave and wind accordingly

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