Timothy Lawton


Wicked Woman

by on Jun.17, 2009, under 1993

Your hopes are wicked and your dreams are in hell
Sweet pure woman casting your witch’s spell
Capturing me in the chains of your slavery
Preying on my thirst breaking the skin affectionately
Revealing the bloody dagger once hidden in the bosom of your embrace
Innocent veil hiding the fiery evil your tongue so longs to taste
Tearing the fibers which engage the very fabric of my being
Such satisfaction in my writhing cries and screams
Loving not so much the insufferable pain to which you have me resigned
But to the power you hold and the strings by which you have me entwined

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by on Jun.07, 2009, under 1991

A storm so far away
So far
The peasants live around the castle
The Moon in the late day Sun
Iron boundary
The highway’s sound
Low live the people
High tree hills
So far
The water runs caress the rock
Even where the grass lies
Ahh!! The people
But we fly away
Some death a healthy part of life amongst the trees
Rock strewn hills
Again the storm

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by on Mar.31, 2009, under 1995, Poetry

Late September, 1995

The bloody eyes of Oedipus have but one source
Your mother is no whore and your father would still be
But rage with fire passion sire
Anger was your sin on that sanguine road
Your father dead or your mother in your bed
How could you have known?
Oedipus Oedipus you’re no Rex
You forgot your heart and let anger rule your head
Your gouged and bloody eyes blind
Yet you never saw past your pride
Your suffering, pain,anguish, and groans
Repentance for sins you need not atone
Your sword still a diamond in your mind
How you’d suffer no insult if only you weren’t blind

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